Symbols of the seven spirits of god charles stanley
Symbols of the seven spirits of god charles stanley

Paul sometimes writes about adultery among church members who will make it to heaven, but will lose their inheritance and reward there. 11:4), as did many of the other kings and rulers of Israel. David, the man after God’s own heart committed adultery with Bathsheba (2 Sam. While not all Israelites had eternal life, some of those who did this will still be in heaven. They offered their children to false idols as human sacrifices. Yet we know from Ezekiel 16:21 that many of the Israelites did this as a form of idol worship. What about abortion? They didn’t really have abortion back then the way we do now, but if you believe, as I do, that abortion is taking the life of another human being, then we can call abortion the murder of babies. Yet we certainly all expect to see God in heaven. Did you know that God is a divorced person? We read in Jeremiah 3:8 that God divorced Israel. All Christians can Commit All Sinsīut did you know that there are people in the Bible who have committed one or all of these sins whom we all expect to see in heaven? Let me show you. Below is an the text of a sermon I preached on Matthew 12:31-32, which is where Jesus warns about the unforgivable sin. You can read a short summary of the book here and learn about the unpardonable sin. It is titled, Why you have not committed the Unforgivable Sin. I recently wrote a book about the unforgivable sin, which you can get on Amazon. They believe that if you are a Christian and you go back to living like you aren’t a Christian, or if you curse Jesus, or deny that you ever knew Him, then this is the unforgivable sin. Then I have talked with some who believe that the unforgivable sin is rejecting God. If a person commits suicide, then they are going to hell. Others think that suicide is the unforgivable sin. I have personally talked with Christians who were divorced, got an abortion, or committed adultery, and thought they had committed the unforgivable sin. Most Christians have wondered at some point in their life if they have committed the unforgivable sin.

Symbols of the seven spirits of god charles stanley